Sirach Chapter 1. Sirach 1:1 other authorities read a copy affording no little instruction; 1 all wisdom is from the lord god, and hath been always with him, and is before all time.
Galatians Patristic Bible Commentary
3 the height of the. The fear of the lord is. Web ecclesiasticus (sirach) all wisdom is from god, and is given to them that fear and love god. He who loves not man does not know god, for god is love. 12 comfort it brings to the heart, happiness and content and a long life bestows; Web the book of sirach (or ecclesiasticus) chapter 1. Web chapter 1 ⌄ 1 all wisdom comes from the lord, she is with him for ever. Web sirach 1:1 or please read therefore with good will and attention, and be indulgent; For this reason, it is necessary to. Numerous and wonderful things have been given to us through the law, the prophets, and the other writings that followed them.
The fear of the lord is. 1 [the prologue of the wisdom of jesus the son of sirach.] whereas many and great things have been delivered unto us by the law and the. Web sirach 1 good news translation foreword the law, the prophets, and the later writers have left us a wealth of valuable teachings, and we should praise israel for the instruction. 1 all wisdom is from the lord god, and hath been always with him, and is before all time. Web sirach 1:1 or please read therefore with good will and attention, and be indulgent; Web chapter 1 ⌄ 1 all wisdom comes from the lord, she is with him for ever. Web sirach 1:1 catholic bible: Numerous and wonderful things have been given to us through the law, the prophets, and the other writings that followed them. 12 comfort it brings to the heart, happiness and content and a long life bestows; All wisdom comes from the lord, and wisdom is with him forever. Web chapter 2 trust in god 1my child, when you come to serve the lord,* prepare yourself for trials.a 2be sincere of heart and steadfast, and do not be impetuous in time of.